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Draft of a Requirements list for Tender of new Library System
For the purpose of consultation with stakeholders and market and, as previously advertised, please find below a draft requirements list for a planned tender of a new library system for the Consortium of Icelandic Libraries, as announced earlier in a Request for Information, 2018/S 008-015071.
Take notice that this is not the final version of the requirements list but a draft. We reserve all rights to make changes to the document, add or delete chapters etc. The final version will be made available when the contract notice will be published in March. Prospective tenderers are encouraged to send recommendations and reasons for adjustments to the requirements list, if needed, to with the subject line “20538 Consortium recommendations” before end of February.
Take notice that this is not the final version of the requirements list but a draft. We reserve all rights to make changes to the document, add or delete chapters etc. The final version will be made available when the contract notice will be published in March. Prospective tenderers are encouraged to send recommendations and reasons for adjustments to the requirements list, if needed, to with the subject line “20538 Consortium recommendations” before end of February.
Unnið hefur verið hörðum höndum að kröfulýsingu vegna útboðs á nýju bókasafnskerfi byggt á niðurstöðum sérfræðihópa. Skjalið er enn í vinnslu og því ekki um endanlegt eintak að ræða. Athugið að skjalið mun birtast á evrópska efnahagssvæðinu og er því á ensku. Ef viðskiptavinir Landskerfisins hafa athugasemdir varðandi uppbyggingu eða innihald kröfulýsingarinnar eru þeir hvattir til að senda athugasemdir með verkbeiðni í gegnum þjónustuvef Landskerfsins fyrir lok febrúar.